QlikView interview questions and answers

What are the unique features of QlikView?
(a)Data Association is maintained automatically. (b) The structure, data and calculations of a report are all held in the memory (RAM) of the server. (c) Data is compressed to 10% of its original size. (d) Visual relationship using colors.
What is Incremental Load?
The concept of loading only the new or changed records from the source into the QlikView document is called Incremental Load.
How you connect QlikView to Database?
QlikView can connect to data base using ODBC connection created for the database.
What is Dashboard?
A dashboard is a QlikView document which shows many matrices together and the values in the sheet objects can change dynamically upon selection of certain value in one of the Sheet Objects.
Why do we need a Master Calendar?
The Master calendar is required when we want to create some additional date values which are not already captured in the data that is being analyzed. For example finding the quarter to which a given date falls etc.
What is Aggr Function?
AGGR statement function produces a virtual table, with one expression and grouped by one or more dimensions. The result of this virtual table can then be used by a further outer aggregation function(s).
What is a star schema?
A Star schema is a data model in which one fact table is connected to multiple dimension tables though foreign keys
What is the difference between Join and Keep?
In case of keep both the datasets are available in QlikView's memory while in join the load statements produce only one data set from which you have to choose the columns. Also there is no concept of outer keep where as we have outer join available in case of joins.
What is Synthetic key, is it good or bad to have?
QlikView creates a synthetic key when two or more column between tables are same. It does not impact the data or performance but it indicates a flaw in the data model design.
Difference between Join and Concatenate?
Join gives the resulting records from two tables as records containing columns form both tables. But Concatenate only appends the rows from one table with another.
What are Circular loops in QlikView?
A circular loop is created when the relationship between two tables can be established both directly and through another third table.
What does MonthStart function do?
Returns a value corresponding to a timestamp with the first millisecond of the first date of the month containing date.
What does Autogenerate Function do?
This function auto generates values between a given range of numbers.
What is a pivot table in QlikView?
Pivot Tables are used to present sum of values across many dimensions available in the data. For example showing the total sales figure for both the months and quarters in a years.
What are the 6 chart types available in QlikView?
Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Gauge Chart, Pivot table, Straight table.
Can QlikView extract data from website? How?
Yes. In QlikView script editor we have the option to extract data form a web file by giving the URL as the input.
What is the use of Promote/Demote options in a Table Box property?
It allows you to rearrange the columns in the Table box which is displayed in the Sheet.
What are the three options available under the Rotate table functionality for data transformation?
Rotate Left, Rotate Right and Transpose.
What are the parameters required by a Crosstable Wizard to create a cross table?
There are three fields required to create a cross table. Qualifier field, Attribute Field and Data Field.
What does Partial Reload do?
It Executes the current load script, including all script commands, such as Drop Table and reloads data to the active QlikView document. However, only those tables whose load and select statements are preceded by the Replace or Add prefix are reloaded.
How can we see the table structures of data loaded to QlikView’s memory?
By using the Table Viewer Option under file menu we can see the Tables and their relationships.
What is the use of - Export Sheet layout?
When we want to preserve the layout of a sheet to be used again, we export the sheet layout which creates a XML file without any data.
What is Webview Mode?
The WebView mode uses the internal web browser in QlikView to display the document layout as an AJAX page.
What is a selection indicator in QlikView Document?
A selection indicator is used to indicate the type of association between the data present in different sheet objects. A green dot indicates selected values, blue dot indicates locked values and red dot indicates de-selected values in AND mode.
What does *bi* in text search mean?
It searches for any string that contains bi.
What is Fuzzy search in QlikView?
Fuzzy search finds all the values according to their degree of resemblance to the search string. Which means, even if the spelling does not match character by character, those results will also be shown.
What is a Bookmark in QlikView?
A bookmark in QlikView captures the selections in all states defined in a QlikView document. It can be saved and accessed later.
What is a user bookmark and a shared server bookmark?
The User bookmark is saved in the user computer while the shared server bookmark is saved in the server and accessible to all the allowed users.
What are the different ways in which the QlikView Alerts can be triggered?
The alerts can be triggered in three ways. (a) Automatically when there is a change in data (b) Manually from a internal macro (c) External program running QlikView API.
What are the two ways to insert Load statements into script editor?
(a) Form File (b) Inline
When do we need to use the option “Force 32 Bit”?
When connecting to a database using ODBC, if the data source only provides 32-bit driver we use this option.
What is a hidden script in QlikView?
A Hidden script is a part of the script that executes before the execution of normal script and it is protected by a password.
What is Information density in QlikView table Viewer?
It is a ratio between the numbers of records with not null values to the total number of records.
What is Subset Ratio?
It is ratio between numbers of distinct values found in the table as compared to total number of distinct values in the field whose subset ratio is required.
What are the default column names in Inline data load?
The default field names when inline data is inserted is – F1,F2,F3 etc. This can be edited.
What is the difference between QVX and QVD files?
The QVD file is a proprietary and optimized for minimum transformations inside QlikView but the QVX file has a open file format which shows both the table structure and the table data in it.
What is Garbage option in the Data Transform wizard?
The Garbage option is used to mark and delete the data that is not required or that is jumbled and not useful.
What feature does the Fill Tab in data transform wizard provide?
The fill feature is used to fill in empty cells with values from adjacent cells.
How can we split the data in a table vertically or horizontally?
The data in a table can be split by using the unwrap transformation.
What is Context cell Expansion in QlikView?
Context cell expansion is used to expand the contents of one cell into several cells in the table.
What is a binary statement in QlikView?
The binary statement is used load the access and data parts of a QlikView document. It does not load the layout information of the document.
Can we store a sound file in a QlikView document?
Yes we can. We can store an external file (audio/video etc.) using Bundle prefix in the QlikView document.
Can we concatenate two tables with different number of fields in QlikView?
Yes. Using concatenate function.
How can we drop some fields from the memory during script execution?
We can use the statement Drop field A;
What is the use of the function IntervalMatch?
The IntervalMatch prefix to a Load or Select (SQL) statement is used for linking discrete numeric values to one or more numeric intervals.
What is a Mapping Table?
The mapping table is a temporary table to provide a mapping of values forms one column in first table to another column in the second table. It has only two columns and it is dropped after script execution.
What does NoConcatenate do?
The Noconcatenate function forces two tables with identical fields to be treated as two separate internal tables.
What is the difference between NullAsValue and NullAsNull?
NullAsValue allows linking of data which are null but NullAsNull treats the null values as missing values and does not allow any linking between such values.
How can we get the number of statements which have caused errors during a script execution?
Using of ScriptErrorCount system variable.
What is the value of X in the following code?
set VAL=’$1*$2’;
Let X = $(VAL(6,4,9));


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