Jaspersoft CE v/s Jaspersoft EE

Jaspersoft is world’s leading Open source BI software with more than 1.75 million download and usage. It comes in two variants, one is the community edition which is free and the other is the enterprise edition. Via this blog, we would try to understand the differences between the CE and EE. Also, we will make an attempt to understand and have Jaspersoft Enterprise Edition functionality in Jaspersoft Community Edition. Many a times, customers (esp startups and SMEs) dont have the budget or requirement to go for a full license, but they want full functionality which are present in EE, for them we have also discussed possible way outs as well. a) Report Designer: Jaspersoft is known for its pixel perfect reports. This is created by iReport designer (free and open source). This tool helps in creation of complex reports with charts, graphs, tabular data, cross tabs, images etc. These reports can further be downloaded in different formats. Availability: ...